We’ve always enjoyed eating.

We’ve been always passionate about travelling, always hooked on the adventure, the unknown, what’s behind that mountain or around the next corner. Discovering peoples’ lives in remote places, arriving before the secret becomes a mass tourism attraction.

We’ve always been and always will be backpackers.

When Google didn’t exist and you had to carry your music in suitcases, we were feasting on cheap, delicious rice and beans in some soaked Caribbean hut, dubious samosas in packed New Delhi street food stalls, llama and very ugly cuys in the Andes, sublime grilled fish on Mozambican beaches or ants in the Amazon.

We tasted everything that could be eaten.

We didn’t care about the quality or that it could be really weird, or that it might leave us chained to the toilet for three days. We wanted to eat what the people in the street ate. We wanted to discover new flavours, aromas and textures…because food was always part of the journey. We don’t understand travel and adventure without food.

But we grew older.

We started to appreciate, and afford, some luxuries and our taste became more sophisticated. The backpacks improved and eventually become suitcases. We kept travelling around the world, though now, instead of maps, we carried a list of places to eat, markets to visit and local products to taste. Food has become, even more, our obsession.

Today we are collectors of food experiences, Michelin stars, unique products, old-school taverns, artful and humble dishes, all kind of kitchenware, books, everything related to food. Our
list of “musts” has grown bigger, we know where and what to eat in many countries but, above all, in our country, Spain.

We keep discovering new places in Spain, a constellation of food treasures.

Galangal is a natural step in our lives, a consequence of who we are and what we are passionate about:

the adventure of eating.